Top 5 Ways DVC Changed Our Family’s Life… or vacations at least
A lot has changed for my family since we bought into DVC. While there are, by far, more important events in our lives that changed us indefinitely, DVC still changed several things about the way my family of 4 does vacation and uses the time between visits. Since everyone brings different expectations and needs, your results may vary. With that stated, below are the Top 5 Ways DVC changed my family’s life:
5. Preparation is half the fun.
We now spend hours watching Disney vlogs and news shows and reading Disney blogs, like this one. Well, maybe that first sentence should read “I now spend hours…” My husband is not as enthusiastic a DVC Fan as I am, but that’s because he is not part of the cool kid club. Disney is my happy place and I can extend that happiness to any old Wednesday by simply watching someone’s review of a restaurant or a resort. This is a much better way to spend my time on the internet than social media or silly games. This is real research for my next trip that will help the entire family. At least that is what I use to justify it. DVC isn’t just a timeshare program, it is a hobby that has better side benefits than any stamp collection I ever had as a kid.

4. “Welcome Home!” may be marketing, but it works.
I feel like I am more comfortable in the resorts and parks because I am “home.” I get giddy when my
3. We have vacations tentatively planned until 2024.
No, seriously, I have a spreadsheet that reaches into 2024 with tentative point costs for potential trips. I realize this is extreme, but I also think it is a nice security blanket. I am a planner by nature (some, like my husband, believe the phrase “control issues” is a better description). Therefore, part of the thrill of owning DVC is that I get to release my inner event planner indefinitely (or at least until 2054 when my last contract runs out and I am in my mid-70s). I can always revise these plans in the future, but knowing that I have the path laid out for my family to go to the most magical place on Earth is comforting for the reasons laid out in #4. For someone like me, going to Disney is one of the few places where I can release my control because I know they can do it better than I can. So, my spreadsheet is a reminder that I have another visit scheduled to get some well-deserved R-n-R for my inner control freak – I mean, planner – all thanks to DVC.

2. We will be back.
Like the Terminator: we no longer have a fear of missing out on something, because we know we will be back. When I see an announcement – and there are many – of a new attraction at Disney, I know I will get to see it in person. The new Tron Coaster? We’ll ride it. Batuu? We’ll walk in it. The replacement for Illuminations? We’ll watch it. We’ll do it all… eventually. So, when we didn’t get to do Slinky Dog Dash last trip, we weren’t sad. We WILL do it next trip, and due to #3 I have that trip and the 6 after already tentatively planned. So, we relax and take in the vacation the way we intended and we do it with ease due to #4. Prior to DVC, we would rush and jam in every last drop of Disney we could, for fear of not being able to do it ever again. It is thanks to DVC that we are able to leave room in our vacation to simply relax. This makes the Magical Express still magical when it whisks us away to the airport.

Annual Passes are now a real possibility, so
Whether it is preparing for the visit or finally doing one of the things on my Disney bucket list, DVC makes my family’s life a little richer. And that’s the point, right? That is what makes “Welcome Home” magical.