Disney's Vero Beach Resort - DVC Resort

DVC Resales at- Disney's Vero Beach Resort. Nestled on the coast of Florida, Disney's Vero Beach resort truly embodies the spirit of 'old-florida' - a time before the crowds and the theme parks. The resort opened in 1995, and features just over 200 rooms, including 6 three-bedroom cottages that sit directly along the beach. The area is known as a nesting location for Loggerhead sea turtles during the fall months, and this is a popular time to visit. Below you will find our current list of Vero Beach DVC resales. Click on a particular listing to learn more about it, or call our office at 1-800-550-6493.

Disney's Vero Beach Resort



Use Year



Price Per Point

Banked Points

25 Point Deed / September Use Year 0 points coming on 9/1/25, 25 points coming on 9/1/26 and 25 points coming on 9/1/27. Priced at $90 per point.

50 Point Deed / March Use Year- 0 points currently available, 50 points coming on 3/1/26, and 50 points coming on 3/1/27. Priced at $75 per point.

50 Point Deed / September Use Year 50 points coming on 9/1/25 and 50 points coming on 9/1/26. Priced at $75 per point.

60 Point Deed / December Use Year 64 points currently available (60 + 4 banked points from 2023, banked points need to be used by 12/1/25) and 60 points coming on 12/1/25. Priced at $70 per point.

75 Point Deed / March Use Year 75 points currently available and 75 points coming on 3/1/26. Priced at $60 per point.

125 Point Deed / March Use Year - 202 points currently available (125 + 77 banked points from 2024, banked points need to be used by 3/1/26) and 125 points coming on 3/1/26. Priced at $58 per point.

150 Point Deed / June Use Year - 150 points coming on 6/1/25 and 150 points coming on 6/1/26. INTERNATIONAL SELLER. Priced at $60 per point.

150 Point Deed / December Use Year 0 points coming on 12/1/25, 150 points coming on 12/1/26 and 150 points coming on 12/1/27. Priced at $45 per point.

150 Point Deed / December Use Year 0 points coming on 12/1/25, 150 points coming on 12/1/26 and 150 points coming on 12/1/27. Priced at $45 per point.

160 Point Deed / February Use Year - 160 points currently available and 160 points coming on 2/1/26. Priced at $52 per point.

170 Point Deed / December Use Year 100 points coming on 12/1/25 and 170 points coming on 12/1/26. Priced at $50 per point.

170 Point Deed / December Use Year 170 points coming on 12/1/25 and 170 points coming on 12/1/26. Priced at $55 per point.

200 Point Deed / October Use Year - 200 points coming on 10/1/25 and 200 points coming on 10/1/26. Priced at $50 per point.

220 Point Deed / September Use Year - 25 borrowed points from the 2025 allocation currently available, borrowed points need to be used by 9/1/25, 106 points coming on 9/1/25 and 220 points coming on 91/26. Priced at $52 per point.

222 Point Deed / February Use Year 0 points currently available, 222 points coming on 2/1/26 and 222 points coming on 2/1/27. Priced at $49 per point.

250 Point Deed / December Use Year - 0 points coming on 12/1/25, 250 points coming on 12/1/26 and 250 points coming on 12/1/27. CANNOT CLOSE UNTIL 5/15/25. Priced at $49 per point.

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